Korean Culture

kkanbu meaning - 깐부 뜻, 깐부잖아 뜻

상식체온 2021. 10. 4. 19:51

Kkanbu(깐부) is a slang term for a close friend, a childhood friend, or a companion in Korean. In Korea, children play a lot of marbles, slap-match games, and jackstones games, and so on. One friend uses “Kkanbu haja(깐부하자)” to mean “Let’s be on the same side.” to another.



In fact, kkanbu was not well known in Korea until recently. It is not even listed in the Korean dictionary. Because kkanbu is known as a local dialect, it is rarely used, and its origin is not clear.


After using this word in the drama “Squid Game” these days, it has become a popular word, and it is expected that it will be listed in the Korean dictionary soon due to the power of the drama.


When playing a game, in Korea, the sides are usually divided using rock-paper scissors, but it seems that this word can be used when anyone on the other side agrees without playing rock-paper-scissors.


*깐부 (kkanbu) :  friend, companion


*우리 깐부하자. (Uri kkanbu haja.):  Let's be friends., Let's be on the same side.


*우린 깐부잖아. (Urin kkanbu jana.) :  We're friends., You're my friends., We are on the same side.
