apt meaning in Korea - 아파트 뜻, 아파트 응원가 ft. rose, bruno mars
APT is a representive form of housing in Korea.
In Korea, about 52% of all households live in APT.

APT is a song written and composed by Korean singer Yun Soo-il in 1982.
APT has been used as a representive cheering song in Korea to this day.
If you search for "아파트 응원가" on YouTube,
you will see many videos shown the excitement of Koreans.
"아파트, 아파트, 아~ 파트, 아파트, 몇 층에서 살까?"
"Apart, Apart, Ah~part, Apart, myeot cheungeseo salkka?"
(Apart, Apart, Ah~part, Apart, What floor should I live on?)
APT is one of the Korean drinking games that starts with " What floor should I live on?".
APT is a collaboration single between BLACKPINK members ROSÉ and Bruno Mars, released at 13:00(KST) on October 18. 2024.
Rose' APT will become one of the banned songs on the Korean CSAT.
In Korea, songs that Korean CSAT test takers cannot forget once they hear them and that are lingering in their ears during the CSAT exam, which requires concentration, are called "수능 금지곡." ROSÉ 's APT will soon become a banned song for CSAT.
끝은 새로운 시작이고, 시작은 새로운 끝이다~